Litmus and Dry Turmeric Indicator

Concept Explanation

Litmus and Dry Turmeric Indicator

Litmus It is a natural dye made from small plants called lichens. The lichen extract, called litmus solution, is itself neutral and purple in colour. The extract when acidified gives red litmus solution whereas blue litmus solution is obtained when the extract is made alkaline.

Litmus paper: Blue or red litmus paper is prepared by dipping a strip of filter paper in blue or red litmus solutions. The paper is then removed from the solution and dried. Blue litmus paper turns red in an acidic solution and red litmus paper blue in a basic solution.

Turmeric: If a vegetable falls on the cloth or fabric. It leaves a yellow stain on the cloth. If we put soapy solution on it, at first instance it runs reddish brown and then gradually it gets removed.

Vegetables possess turmeric powder in it which is a natural indicator and when it comes in contact with acid or base, it changes its colour soapy solution is basic.

China Rose: the dye present in the flower can be extracted with the help of warm water and finally the coloured water extracted can be used as an indicator. When the solution is added to acidic solution, dark pink colour is obtained and when added to basic solution green colour is obtained.


Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Match the following :

A.  Aqueous solution of  large NaHCO_3

1.  Does not affect dry litmus
B.  Aqueous solution of common salt2.  Turns blue litmus red
C.  Hydrogen chloride gas3.  Aqueous solution is neutral
D.  Aqueous solution is neutral4.  Turns red litmus blue

Which of the following show correct matching ?

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

A blue litmus paper was first dipped in dil. HCI and then in dil. NaOH solution. It was observed that the colour of the litmus paper -

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

Litmus is extracted from _____________

Right Option : C
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